
Emeline can type at a constant rate of 1/4 pages/minute.a. What is the ratio of the number of pages to the number of minutes?b. Emeline has to type a 5-page article but only has 18 minutes until she reaches the deadline. Does Emeline have enough time to type the article? Why or why not?c. Emeline has to type a 7-page article. How much time will it take her?

Accepted Solution

Answer:a. 1/4b. No, she does not have enough time c. 28 minutesStep-by-step explanation:Emeline can type at a constant rate of 1/4 pages/minute.a.the ratio of the number of pages to the number of minutes = 1/4 that she types 1 page every 4 minutes. b. For a five page article she will take 5×4 minutes = 20 minutes( as she took 4 minutes for 1 page ). She won,t be able to complete task  before the dead line as she has got only 18 days. c. Emeline has to type a 7-page article. so, she will take 7×4 minutes = 28 minutes to complete the task.